CSPS Pharmaceuticals 


SCAL Structure of the Safety Catch Linker

In SO form:

  • stable in 100% TFA
  • stable in reagent K
  • stable in 50% piperidine
  • stable in HF
  • stable in Pd(0) treatment

In S form:

  • stable in 50% piperidine
  • cleaved by mixture K
  • cleaved by 50% TFA

Reducing agents:

  • 1M Me3SiCl/PPh3/DCM
  • 1M PhSeSiMe3/DCM
  • 0.1% HBr/AcOH

Applications: (i) Synthesis of peptides by combined Fmoc, Alloc and/or Boc strategy; (ii) Solid phase synthesis of cyclic peptides (synthesis by Fmoc strategy, deprotection of side chains, cyclization, reduction of SCAL, cleavage from the resin)

Patek, M., Lebl, M.: Tetrahedron Lett. 32, 3891, 1991

Price: $ 145.00/g

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